Monthly Archives: March 2014

In-Class, Classic Movies

One of the other classes I’m taking this semester is Film as Communication and over the past weeks we watched three, pretty monumental to cinema, movies so I thought I’d go ahead and write a little something on them.

I’ve previously seen 2 out of the 3 movies a good couple of times but they were still as interesting as the first time I saw them. Plus! I can now add another movie to my list.
1. Full Metal Jacket (1987)
The Wonderful Stanley Kubrick
“This is my rifle this is my gun! This is for fighting this is for fun!”

Full Metal Jacket is the third film I had ever seen from Kubrick and this was when I was coming off the high of watching 2001: A Space Odyssey and The Shining. To me, the man is a genius. The film is broken into two parts; the first shows strictly the cadets going through their training and the second is based in the war itself. Both parts equally capture the dehumanization and physical and mental strain of war. (Although like many people, I enjoy the first half more than the second. It’s much more emotional and raw). If you haven’t seen it, you should; it’s one of those films you should “see before you die” kind of thing.

A lovely person made a video compiling Kubrick’s trademark, one-point perspective shots and I thought it was interesting to see just how technical he really is. I like to think of Kubrick as someone who always shoots straight and never misses the target. It’s not by chance or fluke or divine intervention. It’s cause he’s meticulous and focused, like a bullet to the senses.

2. Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956)
Don Siegel
“They’re here already! You’re next! You’re next, You’re next…!”

32093_Invasion-of-the-body-Snatchers-1Sci-fi makes me happy and this is sci-fi with a message. It’s probably the quintessential ’50s sci-fi movie and I personally think it still holds up today. Playing on subtle fears instead of outright cheap thrills is what helps push this movie through years of desensitization in the sci-fi/horror genre. The ambiguity of where these pod-people come from or what they are, only adds to the feeling of paranoia to the very end. It’s one of those movies where you’re sitting there, squinting suspiciously at everyone on screen. You should be afraid of pod-people and for good reason. Run for the hills!


3. The Harder They Come (1972)
Director: Perry Henzell
“The hero can’t dead till the last reel!”

314418050692797This one was new to me. Overall, I would say I enjoyed it. The language is a bitch hard to understand at times but I can respect the choice to not “dumb it down” and keep it authentic. The soundtrack is what garnered most of the films attention (with big thanks to the legendary, Jimmy Cliff) and eventually, it steam-rolled and became a cult classic. The story of “a country man, fighting corruption and rejection, trying to make it at all costs” isn’t exactly ground-breaking but that’s not the point with this film. Instead, the appeal lies in what the film represents. I think it was made at the perfect time and sent the message that the world needed to see and hear about true Jamaican culture and music. It’s not all white sand and piña coladas.


Later on in the semester we should be watching Memento, so I am très excité for that!

Have you seen these movies? Do you think they still hold up now?
Drop me a line or two here or at ColourmeMovie on Facebook.
You can also tweet me 😀

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Movie Tag – Tag! You’re it!

Join in and answer some of the tag questions!
I’m always up for hearing what people like and dislike ^_^

1. Favourite movie of all time? This question is always the worst. Who picks just one? NEXT!

2. Favourite scene from any movie? Again, there’s so many but one that always stays with me is the “Stuck in the Middle With You” scene in Reservoir Dogs. I would also mention Danny Torrance riding the tricycle through the hotel in The Shining. It’s not a scene but I really enjoy that continuous shot; it’s just ripe with tension.

3. Favourite actors/actresses? Leonardo DiCaprio, Johnny Depp, Cate Blanchett, Kerry Washington…to name a few.

4. Most annoying actor/actress? Wow um, well he’s not annoying but I don’t see the appeal in Keanu Reeves.

5. Favourite director? Scorsese

6. Favourite guilty pleasure film? Birdcage with Robin Williams and Nathan Lane. I don’t know if I’d really call it a guilty pleasure because I am in no way ashamed Lol

7. Favourite tear jerker? Lilo and Stitch always gets me for some reason.

8. Character from a movie that scared you the most? That girl from The Exorcist. Ugh.

9. Movie you love that everyone hates? Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas..I’ve had a few people tell me they don’t like that movie.

10. Movie you hate that everyone loves? Paranormal Activity.

11. Favourite movie duo? Vincent and Jules (Pulp Fiction)

12. Favourite animated movie? Disney: Aladdin, Pixar: Monster’s Inc and Miyazaki’s Spirited Away.

13. Unexpected Actor/Actress crush? I don’t know how unexpected it is but I’ve had a crush on Simon Pegg for a long time now Lol That might be out of the norm? Maybe? I certainly don’t think so.

14. Favourite movie villain? I’m going to go with…Hannibal Lector

15. A movie that you can quote entirely? Going to unashamedly say Mean Girls

16. Last documentary you watched? Blackfish. As an animal lover that was quite horrible to watch. I was deeply disturbed and saddened by the entire thing.

17. Recommend a Movie? I always recommend Boondock Saints to people. If you want to fall in love with Norman Reedus before he was Daryl Dixon on The Walking Dead, that’s the movie. But not just because of that, it’s a great movie as well.

18. If you could go back in time and marry actor/actress from the past (now old) who would it be? Marlon Brando (Young Brando) or Paul Newman. Or both, I’m down for both.

19. One remake you wish had never been made? I don’t think the Psycho remake with Vince Vaughn was necessary.

20. You’re sentenced to death and can only watch one more movie. What would it be? I feel like I should say something cathartic like Shawshank Redemption. Instead, I’m going to go with…Monty Python’s The Meaning of Life…for irony purposes.

21. Most underrated movie genre/favourite movie film that genre? I would say maybe Sci-fi? And Alien is high on the list.

22. What’s the first movie you remember watching in theaters?
My memory is so bad. I assume it would’ve been Aladdin or The Lion King.

23. Favourite cult classic? 1. The Big Lebowski 2. Clockwork Orange 3. Rocky Horror Picture Show

24. A movie that surprised you? Recently, Her. Yay Spike Jonze!

25. Who is your least favourite director? M.Night Shyamalan..His movies always look so intriguing but they always leave you angry and disappointed at the end of them.

26. What is your favourite book turned movie? American Psycho was done pretty well.

27. What is a movie that has changed or has had a significant impact on your life? This is a tough question but I’m going to go with Edward Scissorhands. I remember watching it when I was younger and it scared the shit out of me. Later on, I watched it again and I felt this new love for the movie. It wasn’t scary at all but instead really moving and it’s probably what made me fall in love with both Tim Burton and Johnny Depp.

28. Favourite movie quote of all time? Ahhh, there’s so many. What’s sticking out in my head at this very moment though is, “It’s all there, black and white, clear as crystal! You stole fizzy lifting drinks! You bumped into the ceiling which now has to be washed and sterilized, so you get nothing! You lose! Good day, sir!”

29. Favourite Movie Score or Soundtrack? Dazed and Confused Soundtrack

30. Favourite 80’s movie? Ferris Bueller’s Day Off and The Goonies

Now I tag you to answer some of these…or all…that would be great too!

Leave your comments here or on the ColourmeMovie Facebook page.
Or tweet me @colourmemovie (link below)

Change of plans

So when I took on this venture of 50 movies in a semester for this project, I was clearly thinking yes, I can definitely watch 50 movies, no problem. (Which would be fine) However, I was not taking into consideration that I also need to produce 50 pieces of some sort of content to show that I indeed watched these movies.

I also did not expect other assignments from hell to occupy all of my time. It’s just an all round busy time you see…


Therefore, the new plan is to slice that number in half, to a solid 25 and go from there. Hopefully with less pressure and a smaller amount, I can give the blog the attention it deserves.

Look out for a post tomorrow…hopefully.
You may go back to stalking the internet now

xo Meg

The Secret In Their Eyes (2009) – Thoughts


Director: Juan José Campanella
Writers: Eduardo Sacheri (screenplay and novel) and Juan José Campanella
Cast: Ricardo Darin, Soledad Villamil, Pablo Rago, Guillermo Francella

I recently watched, and re-watched (multiple times) The Secret in Their Eyes for a film assignment that I had to do. If I’m being honest, I feel like I can’t possibly and don’t really want to write another thing about this movie. Not because it isn’t great but because I’ve been analyzing it to death for the past weeks.

So what’s it about?
Bouncing between the 1970’s and 1990’s with the help of flashbacks, it follows the life of retired federal justice agent, Benjamin Esposito, as he tries to write a novel about a case he previously worked on, involving the brutal rape and murder of a woman named Liliana Coloto. Going through photos of Liliana, Esposito finds a man whose gaze is just too telling. He begins the hunt to find who he suspects is the killer to help being justice and peace of mind to the victim’s husband. But in the process of doing so, he finds out a lot about the nature of people, love, injustice and the importance of living in the present.

I don’t want to say much more because it’s that kind of story where saying one thing can reveal too much about something else..and so on. Avoiding spoilers on a whole.

Side note..I almost enjoy the Spanish title more, El Secreto De Sus Ojos because doesn’t The Secret in Their Eyes sound a bit…cheesy? Like a bad erotic novel. I can even picture the horrible book cover. Anyways!

The film is set in Buenos Aires in the ’70s,  just on the cusp of the beginning of Argentina’s “Dirty War”, so there’s a lot of underlying, brewing tension at the backdrop of the film. The “Dirty War” happened in 1976-1983 when Argentina was forcefully taken under the control of a military dictatorship that resulted in genocide and “disappeared” persons; people (men, women and children) were kidnapped off the streets and never seen or heard from again, hence the term “disappeared”. It’s all very horrific and I would tell anyone to read up on it if they get the chance.

But back to the film itself. I must say I enjoyed it very much. It was captivating in its thematic value, mixing both drama and romance in a way that didn’t come off as over-worked or stale. It’s also wrought with symbolism and jam-packed with emotion; it’s really that emotional-pull about unwavering passion that keeps you engrossed. That passion is elegantly illustrated by showing how it can drive people to become vulnerable and others powerful.

The actors are wonderful too, shining in moments of subtlety over outwardly dramatic scenes. After all, it is the secret in their eyes, so there’s a lot of close-ups and emphasis on what the eyes are actually saying and how perception can be easily distorted. The appeal for me really lies in the meshing of genres. Campanella takes murder-mystery, mixes in drama and adds romance and it all cooks up nicely in the end. And if you’re looking for that kind of thing, I would recommend The Secret In Their Eyes because it executes it perfectly.

I’ve read that some critics argue that Campanella sold himself short by producing a “Hollywood” film and not something that truly depicted the strife of the Argentinean people at that time. I’m not sure if this plot was the podium for such a film but I do believe that it’s one that should be made.

My only qualm is that sometimes the situations seem a bit fortuitous and it compromises the believability. Other than that, it keeps you intrigued all the way through…right down to the end.

Do you enjoy foreign language films?
If so, do you have any to recommend?

Comment here or on the ColourmeMovie Facebook page
Tweet me!

Disclaimer: I do not own any of these images.

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Disney’s Frozen (2013) – Why I liked it

On a light note, here’s something not too serious. I watched Frozen…actually if I’m being honest, I watched it awhile ago and re-watched it again just the other day. This isn’t a review but more of a “reasons why I enjoyed the movie”. This is only because people have been going a little crazy over it (well it’s died down tons now) and it’s not as though it’s Disney’s first ever animated movie but it does some different stuff that make it worthwhile. So! Here are my 5 reasons as to why Frozen succeeds in melting your heart. (Better late than never)

Director: Jennifer Lee and Chris Buck
Cast: Kristen Bell, Idina Menzel, Josh Gad, Jonathan Groff
Writer: Screenplay by Jennifer Lee and inspired by the story “The Snow Queen” by Hans Christian Andersen

Fair WARNING now:  Major Spoilers ahead. Dun dun dunnnn.

1. Sister, sister
So essentially, the movie is about sisters which sets it apart from the jump. It also allows Disney to bank on the profits of not one but two new princesses. Yay money. There’s not much to say other than, nothing compares to the love that sisters have for each another. There’s a hint of sarcasm in there and I’ll tell you why. I have a sister….(I can already hear the sigh of people who also have sisters) and we’re not always um…peachy. But in the end, we all say “I will always love her no matter the circumstance” and that’s one of the themes in the movie. Also, Anna and Elsa’s relationship is pretty believable and relatable; eventually siblings drift apart and sometimes you think the advice they’re giving is complete and utter crap but in the end you need to hear it so you can put yourself back on track.

“No one’s brothers are staying here, no one is getting married!”

2. A soundtrack for a grown man sing along to…loudly.
So the songs are unbelievably catchy. On the flip side, there are some Disney songs that are just not good and I’m not afraid to say it. Seriously, if we’re honest, some of the songs of the past are either not very good or WORSE, they’re not very good and they go on forever, so you’re left with this uncomfortable feeling and the kind of look on your face that says “Ugh, why did they do this?..I need to fast-forward.” But, Frozen got it all right. Every song is a hit and “Let It Go”, performed by Adele Dazeem-no sorry!-Idina Menzel (Queen Elsa), has 112,575,277 views on YouTube (last time I checked). It even won two Oscars for Best Song and Best Animated Film recently. Can’t get any better than that.

3. Olaf – One happy snowman
Sidekicks and Disney go together like macaroni and cheese…Ahhh, just the way the universe intended. So it’s no surprise that there’s a witty, overly adorable, just-want-to-squeeze-his-face sidekick in this movie; a snowman named Olaf of course. I have to admit, when I saw the promotional pictures, I thought this snowman was going to be annoying beyond belief but he’s the absolute opposite. He’s sweet and seemingly clueless; some people even say that he is the movie for them.

4. Step aside guys
Frozen put the typical guy/Prince role on the back burner…hard. Like kick them in the crotch hard. Prince Charming and his noble steed hopped in the DeLorean and headed back in time to where they belong. Now, many people are always ready and willing to criticize Disney for telling young girls that they “need a Prince” to be happy but hopefully they can push that aside with this movie. Just let it go. Pun intended. Now, there are two male characters (Kristoff and Hans) one of whom is wonderful and the other is well, the devil incarnate. Frozen took the typical girl meets guy and falls in love forever storyline and tossed it out the window.  And, plot twist! The sweet guy ends up being a conniving asshole?! Unheard of. Added bonus: No wedding at the end.


5. It’s the messages
Frozen has some solid messages that really amp up its likeability.
1. The first guy you fall in love with, is not necessarily “the one”. Especially if you know nothing about him. He might even try to slice your sister’s head off Game of Thrones style.
2. Being a slave to the confines of social norms is no way to live. Let go of that anxiety and fear and be yourself, icicle hands and all.
3. And last but not least, “Love is… putting someone else’s needs before yours.” – Olaf

So what did you think of Frozen? Are you an animated movie lover? Or do you only watch them because someone dragged you to see one?

Leave me a comment here or on the ColourmeMovie Facebook page.

OR, show me some love by following me on Twitter! ^_^ All good choices really Lol

Gifs via Tumblr and images via Yahoo Movies. I do not own any of these.

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